Most property-data records are publicly available for free on our Property Search page 

If you are looking to download our entire Property Records dataset for free, click on the link shown in the “Certified TaxRoll Data” section below.

If you are looking for a custom data request, then please click the link in the “Custom Data Request” section below.

Public Records Request

Please email your request to the Custodian of Public Records, Kenny Pennington at kpen@ 

Certified TaxRoll Data

The Certified Data set is the data of our final values for the tax year for all Osceola County parcels. This data is also supplied to the Florida Department of Revenue in the NAL 12D8 file. This is done once a year in October.

Data Lists

GIS Data

Custom Data Request

If you need data that isn’t freely available on our website or downloadable for free, we offer a custom data request service. If your request is extensive, we may need to charge you for our time to process your request. Please specify your preferred file format (CSV with comma or pipe delimiter, or Excel) when submitting your request.